The TPT Series (Testing Pressure Vessel Series) is used for the classification of hazardous and dangerous substances (flammable and energetic materials) as required by UN testing standards by the means of the measurement of the pressure rise time inside a defined vessel.
Identifying the pressure rise time is not the only function of the TPT series; it can also be useful for the characterization and general testing of unknown energetic materials. The sample is properly situated and then it is heated or ignited in a closed pressure vessel via a hot wire or a fuse head while the pressure-time profile is being recorded. The burning rate, maximum pressure, pressure rise time, etc. are recorded by the TPT. Obtained results serve for hazard classification of energetic materials, pyrotechnic substances, oxidizing solids and liquids.
• UN Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods, Manual of Tests and Criteria, 2010 - Test 1(c)(i), Test 2(c)(i), Test C.1: Time/pressure Test, or Test O.2: Test for Oxidizing Liquids
• European Commission Directive 2004/73/EC - the Classification, Packing and Labeling of Dangerous Substances, Method A.21: Oxidizing properties (Liquids)
• UN Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods – HSL Flash Composition Test
• Power source for UN Recommendation on the Transport of Dangerous Goods -Test O.1: Test for Oxidizing Solids
• Universal testing pressure vessel provided with a set of adapters for varying standardized testing procedures
• Vessel constructed for general testing of different materials (surface coated by DLC- diamond like carbon)
• Customized testing vessels for specialized purposes are available on request
• Precise and robust measurement of pressure/time rise
• Simple operation and evaluation of results – software for control, measurement, calibration and results evaluation
• Bursting membrane for the safe testing of unknown samples
• Two modes if ignition (electric igniter or by hot wire by controlled impulse of current)